A rundown of what apps you can use during the lent season to help you manage easily

The Lent period starts today as Christians reflect and prepare before the celebrations of Easter by imitating Jesus’ sacrifice in these 40 days through fasting from both food and festivities. We’ll take a look at what apps you can use during the Lent season as they provide with daily scriptures and reminders of what you are supposed to do during this season so that you can make the most of it. One of the most rewarding feelings is knowing you made the most of this Lent season when it comes to an end by fasting and practicing things like alms giving.

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A breakdown of what apps you can use during the lent season


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Source: catholicmatch.com

This app is available on Apple and Android is packed with intelligent activities, virtues, prayers and sacrifices that you can add to your days of Lent to make the journey profitable for your body and soul. Each dose (offered daily except Sundays) offers instruction about the challenge and how it can help you and others as you deepen your relationship with the Lord. Examples include humility; sleeping on the floor; almsgiving; cold showers; Mass; reclaim friendships; confession; gratitude; go without makeup. A feature on the app called Meat Police sends you reminders on days of Lent in which we abstain from meat. Other resources include meatless recipes and articles to help you understand the Lenten observance.

Exodus 90

This is a great app for men looking to improve their spiritual life radically according to the app’s founder/director, James Baxter. If that’s what you’re looking for, and you’d like to take a hard-core approach to seriously tackle your spiritual growth between now and Easter (or any 40-day period you choose, here’s a great app for you. This new version (which typically is 90 days) has been trimmed to follow the 40-day period of Lent. 

Exodus 90 (Free with in-app purchase) for Apple and Android is an intense make-my-daily-routine-uncomfortable initiative that emphasizes traditional forms of mortification like various forms of abstinence, physical discomfort, prayer and meditation to get you to break bad habits and form new ones that lead to freedom in Jesus Christ.

Live Lent.

#LiveLent: God’s Story, Our Story is the Church of England’s 2021 Lent Campaign. It offers reflections for each of the 40 days in Lent, from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day (17 February – 4 April) that encourage us to reflect on our own story of God and how we might share it with others. It is available on Apple and Android.

For each day (Monday to Saturday) the app offers:

• A passage from the Bible
• A reflection exploring the reading
• A short prayer
• Full audio of the daily reflection, including specially commissioned music
• A suggested family activity to help you share the day’s theme with members of your household

For each week, there is:

• A theme, mirroring those of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book, Living His Story
• An introduction to the week’s theme and action linked to it
• Links to other #LiveLent resources including weekly group study material

Xt3 Lent Calendar

If you like to follow Lent with an Advent-style calendar in which content is released for view when the day arrives, this is for you. Starting on Ash Wednesday, you will get videos, podcasts and articles to guide you toward the Christian celebration of Easter. This includes podcasts and blogs from Australian Catholics on prayer, fasting and almsgiving, a small act of penance that you may choose to add to your Lenten promises, and much more! It offers support for Apple and Android.

Truth and Life Audio Bible with 40-day Reading Plan

An essential component of your spiritual journey is engaging the Word of God. How about making a commitment to reading the entire New Testament or all four Gospels during Lent? You can easily do that with Truth & Life Dramatized audio Bible NewTestament. The app is free with in-app purchase and available and offers support for Apple, Android, Windows PC.  Imagine a reading plan that will serve the text to you on your mobile device and read it to you! This is not your ordinary audio book. We’re talking about a world-class production of the Bible read by more than 70 actors (many celebrities) with movie studio sound effects and an original music score!

Pray As You Go Lent Retreat

Make a digital retreat for Lent withPray As You Go which is available for Apple and Android. Enjoy beautifully-produced audio retreats brought to you by Jesuit Media Initiatives out of Britain. This app invites you to spend about 11 minutes per day (not just during Lent, but all year long) in a systematic method of prayer which you follow in an audio format; they call this form of exercise “imaginative contemplation” as you are taken on a guided mental cruise of spiritual discovery and wonder and challenge with music, Scripture and questions for reflection.

Specific retreats, like their Lent retreat, are a separate offering from their regular daily retreats. They are uploaded once per week during Lent. You will not be able to access reflections ahead of time. They are only available on the date of release for the week.

A brief summary of what apps you can use during the lent season.

3D Catholic

Passion of Jesus

Sacred Space

Lent Study- Into the Desert

The Chosen App

Hopefully this brief summary of what apps you can use during the lent season is helpful as you commit to fasting in this period.

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