The latest WhatsApp update lets you play voice messages faster

Listening to that 8 minutes long WhatsApp voice note is about to get a whole lot easier after you update your app to the latest version. The exciting new WhatsApp update lets you play voice messages faster than they were recorded. We’ve all been in situations where the voice note is excruciatingly long yet you must listen. You won’t have to wait nearly as long with this fantastic new function.

Also read: How to record WhatsApp calls on Android and iPhone with these easy steps

How to check which version of WhatsApp you have 

The new WhatsApp update lets you play voice messages faster and you can access this added functionality in version 2.21.100 of WhatsApp – here’s how to check which version you’re using:

On iOS

  1. Open WhatsApp
  2. In the bottom-right corner, tap ‘Settings’
  3. Choose ‘Help’
  4. Your current WhatsApp version will be displayed at the top of the screen

Read also: WhatsApp voice and video calls via Desktop app now available

On Android

  1. Open WhatsApp
  2. Tap the three dots in the top-right corner
  3. Choose ‘Settings’
  4. Tap ‘Help’ and then ‘App info’
  5. Your version number will now be displayed

The new WhatsApp update lets you play voice messages faster at 2x the usual speed

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WhatsApp is only beginning to roll out the update now, so it might be a few days before you can download the new version. Once it’s installed, the new WhatsApp let you play voice messages faster at 1.5x or 2x its usual speed. Just tap the button to the right of whichever one you’re playing.

WhatsApp still struggles with controversial update

Speaking of updates, there is one the platform is still struggling to implement. WhatsApp has not left the headlines since it made its announcement about a controversial update to its privacy policy at the beginning of this year. Agreeing to the new privacy policy would require the app to share user data with Facebook which has been highly condemned by many since Facebook has had its fair share of user data scandals in the past.

In its latest communication, the popular messaging app says that it will not delete accounts for users who refuse to agree with new terms, however, their apps will slowly start to lose functionality and eventually render the app useless.

Read more: WhatsApp to slowly lose functionality for users who don’t accept terms

The platform is still desperately trying to convince its users that the app will remain safe and secure as before and the only data that will be shared is when one communicates with a business account. Users are still uneasy about this, and several countries have gone so far as to ask the firm to delay the policy modification for their citizens.

Read more: WhatsApp warns users about the latest hack

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